Improvements of the position of IWT outside the EU
India, Hoogly River: At India along the Ganges new electricity plants are planned. These plants need coal and this has partly to be imported from oversea. Because the capacity of the existing rail infrastructure is not sufficient transport has to take place via water, National Waterway no 1. During the successive studies transport solutions were generated both economical as technical.
Bangla Desh: At Bangla Desh much attention is paid to flood control and river engineering. The idea was to include IWT aspects in order to strengthen the position of IWT and at the same time use the infrastructure in a profitable way. Together with partners from Bangla Desh industry three possible quick wins for IWT were proposed.
Sierra Leone: The economy of Sierra Leone is starting to grow and one of the growing factors is the export of high quality ore. One of the paces the ore is found is located upstream for Freetown. The ore is transported on dumb barges, assisted by two tugs and transported downstream. At the bay of Freetown transshipment to ore carriers takes place. The study focused on the navigational constraints and ended up with a training of the crews of the tugs to guarantee safe transport.
Yangtze River: Transport via water plays an important role at the Yangtze River. IWT takes place in locally developed inland ships. The aim of the project was to see whether improvements in the design could be achieved as well as scale enlargement. The study resulted up in three designs of new ships: a 110 m inland ship, a 110 m estuarine ship and a sea going bulk carrier for the coastal trade.